Happy March everyone!
We had very busy hands this past weekend and seeded thousands more flowers, over 800 pepper plants, and now have all the ingredients started to make fresh summer salsa!
(Tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno peppers, & onions:)
A little side by side comparison. Same broccoli plants only 1 week apart. The speed of growth on new seedlings is incredible!
While seeding tomatoes I was daydreaming of how that first bite of juicy, sweet, sun ripened tomato will taste!
Baby Coleus chilling under the lights.
Hoping that the sun will peak out again this week and the thaw out can get started in full force. We are itching to get working prepping the ground in the high tunnels but it is still frozen solid. The first lettuce is sprouting and will be ready to transplant by April 1st!
*Weekly eggs are listed on the website ready for ordering.*
Order Eggs Here:
Pick up Wednesday, from 11-2pm.