Eggs are listed and ready to order.
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Below is a little update and thank you I posted on Facebook last case you missed it. :)
Happy New Year!
Wishing everyone health and happiness in 2021.
Realized it’s been a long while since posting any updates on Facebook. The past year really took its toll, so we decided to take a break from the business side of farm work for a bit and focused instead on family.
We welcomed our second baby girl this past fall and time has been flying by. It feels like the past season just ended and we are already getting ready for the next! Only 1 month to go before planting starts and there is so much planning, ordering, and prep to do!
Even though we took a break, the work never truly stops. Wil and my dad took advantage of the warm start to winter and made great progress on the new tunnel. It’s looking great and excited for its completion. Having the germination and starter house for plants all together will save us so much time and labor. Really working on efficiency around here since having 2 kids under 2 doesn’t leave us with as much free time to work!
We are looking forward to the coming season and hope to see everyone again at the Farmers Market. We can’t thank you all enough for sticking with us through the challenges of last year. Pivoting our business last minute to online ordering with on farm pick up was only successful because you were willing to adapt with us!
So thank you thank you thank you!
We hope to provide a mix of both online ordering and in person for 2021.
Hope this finds you all well and again, thank you for your continued support.
-Bryn & Wil